Rangiwewehi Charitable Trust – RCT

Rangiwewehi Charitable Trust – RCT
Joseph Tuhakaraina (Chair)
Toro Bidois (Deputy)
Lee-Anne Bidois
Kerri Anne Hancock
Paora Maxwell
Rangimarie Mahuika
Gina Mohi
Awatea Paterson
Katerina Pihera-Ridge
Carlo Tuhakaraina

The Rangiwewehi Charitable Trust (RCT) was originally established as the operations arm of Te Maru o Ngāti Rangiwewehi Iwi Authority. As part of the wider tribal governance restructuring that took place as we moved into our post-settlement governance arrangements.
Rangiwewehi Charitable Trust Trustees effectively operate functions to support initiatives and projects which further the expression, expansion and assertion of Rangiwewehitanga and tribal social and cultural aspirations. This includes acting as responsible Trustees, holding regular bi-monthly hui, additional planning, project, financial management hui, applying for funding, hosting and running meetings, activities and events and acting in a leadership role as representatives of Ngāti Rangiwewehi.
The organization is dependent on donations, distributions from the PSGE and external funding sources in order to carry out its activities.