
Ngāti Rangiwewehi Entities &


Ngāti Rangiwewehi Entities & Representation

Ngāti Rangiwewehi have a number of Iwi Mandated Entities & Representatives that report back to Te Maru o Ngāti Rangiwewehi Iwi Authority at its regular bi-monthly meeting.

Te Tari Taiao

Te Awa Tere is made up of Ngāti Rangiwewehi environmental and cultural experts:

Current members:

Gina Mohi, Nicki Douglas, Rikihana Hancock, Kahuariki Hancock, Toro Bidois, Joseph Tuhakaraina, Kelly Ratana, Lee-Anne Bidois, Te Rangikaheke Bidois, Kerri Hancock, Katerina Pihera-Ridge, Phillipa Mohi


Te Tari Taiao, the Ngāti Rangiwewehi Environmental unit, was first established in 2008 via a mandated Iwi Hui held at Tarimano Marae.  This pre-empted the Environment Court hearing for Taniwha Springs with the initial focus being the development of an Iwi Management Plan 2008 and then later updated in 2012.  

The key purpose of the unit is to monitor and address any environmental issues for the iwi. It is also responsible for the review, management and implementation of the Iwi Environmental Management Plan. Te Tari Taiao meets regularly and utilises the collective knowledge of a roopu of Ngati Rangiwewehi environmentalists (known as Te Awa Tere) to analyse and make recommendations to the iwi via Te Maru o Ngati Rangiwewehi.

Tarimano Kohanga Reo

Chairperson: Kerri Anne Hancock
Treasurers: Hope Simon and Michael Hancock

Pouako: Nani Kato Bidois

Kaiako Matua: Paora and Mahera Bidois

Kaiako: Leslie  Maika, Rangimaria Hancock, Nelly Smith

Van Driver: Moana Paul

Kohanga Ph: 07 3322133


Tarimano Kohanga Reo is located on Gloucester Road, Awahou, behind our beautiful Marae.  We are focussed on growing beautiful Ngāti Rangiwewehi tamariki/mokopuna who are confident in their both their Ngāti  Rangiwewehitanga and Te Reo Māori. We are lucky to have three Kaiako who have achieved their Whakapakiri Tohu- this is the highest qualification within the Kohanga Reo movement. Our Kaiako work closely with the whānau and the wider iwi to design an innovative and exciting curriculum that encompasses the interests of our tamariki in order to maximise learning outcomes.

Kapa Haka

Komiti Whakahaere Tiamana:
Te Rangikaheke Bidios terangikaheke@rangiwewehi.com 

Kaipupuri moni: Pauline Tangohau

Ko ngā mema:
Hoana-Titia Tūhakaraina, Taryn Tangohau, Phillipa  Mohi, Kato Vili, Kuraaroha Rogers, Huia Hahunga, Kuikui Douglas Oneroa

Whakapā: Hoana-Titia Tūhakaraina hoanatitia@gmail.com

Ko te kapa haka o Ngāti Rangiwewehi:

Ko ngā kaiako: Murry Bidois, Hohua Mohi & Hoana-Titia Tūhakaraina

Te Ohu Haka: Murray Bidios, Hohua Mohi, Phillipa Mohi, Kuraaroha Rogers

Ko ngā uri o Rangiwewehi-poko-mārō. E kite atu nei i tētehi āhua kino e haere ana ki runga i ngā uri, ā, he patu tinana, patu mahara, tamaroto, wairua anō hoki. Ka ngana tonu ki te kawe i ngā mahi hakahaka nei hei waka whakarauora mai i ngā uri, e tutuki ai te kōrero a ngā kōeke e mea nā, ‘tama tū tama ora, tama noho tama mate!’

Pekehaua Puna

Chairperson: Louis Bidois 0272808201
Secretary/Trustee: Lilliette Walton 0272388075
Treasurer/Trustee: Joseph Tuhakaraina
Gina Mohi
Max Simpkins
Trevor Maxwell


Pekehaua Puna Trust

Pekehaua Puna Reserve is 3.6508ha with 1603 land owners who are predominately affiliated to Ngāti Rangiwewehi Iwi.

Pekehaua and Hinerua came from Hawaiki with Ruaeo. For Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Pekehaua is the kaitiaki (guardian) of the springs and the waters that makeup the Te Awahou Stream. 

Pekehaua and Hinerua also protect the subterranean channels that link the Taniwha and Hamurana springs together, and other underground waterways and streams in the area.

The concepts and responsibilities of kaitakitanga (guardianship) are fundamental to the way Pekehaua Puna Reserve Trust expresses Rangātiratanga (sovereignty) over their taonga (precious things) so that the mauri (life principal) and mana (authority) of the waterways is not compromised. 

All these factors contribute to what makes us an Iwi and are important and essential elements to the physical and spiritual wellbeing of Ngāti Rangiwewehi and Pekehaua Puna Reserve Trust.

Awahou Activities Club

The Awahou Activities Club is warm and inviting with regular activities throughout the year. Fishing, 8 Ball, golf, competitions, kids activities, club events, kai and beverages… And much more!!

Annual Membership: $30.00

Club: 07-332 2900


Club President: Syd Williams
Louis Bidois 027 280 8201

Te Arawa Fisheries

Te Arawa Fisheries membership is made up of Iwi:

Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Ngāti Rangitihi, Ngāti  Tahu-Whaoa, Ngāti Rangiteaorere, Ngāti Tarawhai, Ngāti Makino, Uenukukopako, Tuhourangi- Ngāti Wahiao, Ngāti Pikiao and Waitaha Iwi Authority.

Ngāti Rangiwewehi Iwi Delegate: Kahuariki Hancock 

PH: 0226200504

Lakesyde Business Centre, Level 1 – 1204 Whakaue Street
Rotorua 3040

PH: 07 3493227 


Te Kotahitanga o Te Arawa Waka Fisheries

Te Kotahitanga o Te Arawa Waka Fisheries manages fisheries assets on behalf of Te Arawa people.

The Trust undertakes a number of Strategic activities to support Te Arawa and they are:

Our Te Arawa Iwi supported for success, this is the Iwi partnership fund of $10,000.00 per annum for registered Iwi of Te Kotahitanga o Te Arawa Fisheries.

Pataka Kai, an initiative that supports tangihanga that are held on Te Arawa marae.  Our Te Arawa People assisted into skilled employment. A Seafood training programme that supports Te Arawa people into the seafood industry.  Te Arawa 500 programme, which is focused on studies at a New Zealand University. Students are expected to attend a noho marae wananga. Customary Fisheries also receive an annual grant alongside Te Pukenga Kaumatua o Te Arawa committee.  Alongside the Charitable activities is also the commercial enterprise. Te Kotahitanga o Te Arawa Waka also own Te Arawa Fresh limited a Fresh Fish and Takeaways outlets based in Rotorua.

Mokoia Island Trust

Ngāti Rangiwewehi Mokoia Island

Trustee Representatives:

Gini Tuhakaraina 0274831916 ginit@xtra.co.nz

Pauline Tangohau 0272771091 pauline@zymbl.co.nz

John Rapana 0273121020 rarpz@hotmail.fr


To enhance and maintain the mauri (history, heritage and taonga) of Mokoia Island (Te Motu Tapu a Tinirau),  for the benefit of present and future generations


To balance existing and any new activities on Mokoia Island that nurtures the sustainability of its ecological sanctity, preserves its cultural and spiritual integrity and at the same time a living and vibrant place for the islands inhabitants, owners and visitors.


The Ngāti Rangiwewehi representative for Te Roopu Hauora o Te Arawa is: Harata Patterson (haratapaterson@gmail.com)

Te Roopu Hauora o Te Arawa Representation

Te Roopu Hauora o Te Arawa (TRHOTA) and Te Nohanga Kotahitanga o Tuwharetoa (TNKOT), are made up of hapu representatives from Te Arawa and Tuwharetoa with representation on both boards of other iwi.  Both Iwi Governance Boards are involved in the planning process and are signatories to the annual plan.  

The Lakes DHB are committed to the Treaty of Waitangi and having a meaningful partnership with iwi.  Central to this is a shared understanding that health is a taonga (treasure).

In 2015 Te Kahui Oranga was formed.  Te Kahui Oranga is a combined Executive Governance Group consisting of representatives of TRHOTA, TNKOT and Lakes DHB Board members who in 2018 signed a Memorandum of Understanding as well as with Midlands DHB.

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